Monday, May 4, 2009

The Orb and the Earth

The orb represents the earth it is true, but digging a little deeper, does the orb (earth) represent the divine rule of the king and his status as a representative of the god (s), or does it represent the agenda of the one world government; a new world order?

would the coronation of a king be a sort of mock coronation of a god, a symbolic type of what is in store for the new monarch?

The cross on the orb could also represent the sun, but that is a whole different post.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

sword - power

The sword is where the symbolism gets a little more abstract. It represents power, and power comes in many forms. Thus it should not surprise us that there are many alternate tools that can be used to symbolise power. A staff (or rod), a scepter (a stylized mace), a spear or stylized thunderbolt, or in the case of the Egyptian regalia - a crook and flail. The Egyptian crook and flail help to make clear what kind of power we are talking about; power over humans, the power to domesticate humans to be precise. The power to reward and to punish. Thus the double edges of the sword which can also can cut a thing in two, dividing the good from the evil (a key concept in human domestication).

robe - heavens

The royal robes are meant to signify the heavens above. The designs of some robes make this more evident, as in the case of Mithras' above. The sky was conceptualized as a veil over the earth, and a red or purple robe could easily represent the sky at the setting of the sun, as they did in Christ's mock coronation.

orb - earth

The orb represents the earth.

crown - sun rays

The crown represents the rays of the sun. This is also true of halos and the crown of thorns that Christ recieved during his mock coronation.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ritual symbolism: coronation

Those who have had the priveledge of seeing the underlying order of the cosmos often try and bring that experience to the masses through symbolism. Coronation rituals are rich in this kind of symbolism.

For our purposes I would like to demonstrate that it can be interpereted as a microcosmic model, and can lead us to a deeper appreciation of our relationship with the heavens.

I will subsequently be interpereting the regalia accordingly.

reptilian shapeshifters

check this out

When I think about this model of the brain it makes me wonder if it is part of the explanation of the shape shifting human/reptilian phenomenon that David Icke has brought to our attention.

Specifically I think of how brain functions manifest emotionally, physically, and perhaps spiritually.

So if one was to use the reptilian parts of their brain a disproportionate amount of the time how might effect their physical being? And if you believe in things like karma and subtle energies, how might the overuse of the reptilian functions of the brain, and/or reptilian karmic energies (fear, rage, etc. so called "negative" emotions) effect ones spirit or etheric body? Could a normal, healthy, fully human entity eventually develop the attributes of a twelve foot blood drinking lizard if he were to work at it?